Save an Email Attachment as a CARET Legal document

  • Updated
When you receive an email in CARET Legal you can save the attached documents to CARET Legal or save them to your computer files.

To save the attachment as a CARET Legal document:
  1. Click on the Email icon in the navigation bar to view your list of Emails.

  2. Open an email and click on the Attachment to display a drop-down list. Select Save as CARET Legal Document from the drop-down list.

  3. The Save as Document modal opens.

    • Enter or select a Matter from the drop-down list.
    • Select a subfolder if applicable
    • Rename the file if you choose to.
      Note: if renaming the file, DO NOT delete the file type from the name. The file type at the end of the name tells the system what kind of file this is, and what program it should open in. For example .pdf files may open in Adobe whereas .docx files open in Word.
    • Click Save as CARET Legal Document.

  4. The email attachment will be saved to the main folder of the Matter's Documents.

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