Time Entry Rules

  • Updated
CARET Legal offers the ability to limit Time Entries from using pre-selected words that may cause the invoice to be rejected.
Many areas of law, most frequently with corporate clients or during the LEDES upload process, bills are scanned and will return errors when certain compliances are not met.  
For example, a corporate client may not pay for research of any kind. When receiving LEDES bills their upload provider will scan for the words “Research” “Researching” “Researched”, rejecting any invoices that contain these words. To help mitigate this issue we have introduced Time Entry Rules, a way to apply Client or Matter Level rules, prohibiting the use of selected words or Phrases.
This topic covers:

Creating Time Entry Rules

  1. Select Firm Settings from your drop-down list beside your avatar.

  2. Click Billing & Accounting in the vertical menu bar and select Time Entry Rules from the expanded menu.


  3. Select + to display the New Time Entry Rule modal.

  4. Supply a Rule Name and enter the many components in the Rule Description
  5. Click Save to return to your list of Time Entry Rules.

Applying a Time Entry Rule to a Contact

  1. Create a new Contact, or open an existing Contact for editing.

  2. Browse to the Billing tab, then select + assign an existing Time Entry Rule to the Contact. 

Once applied the one-to-many Time Entry Rules will auto-populate on new matters for this client. 

Applying a Time Entry Rule to a New Matter 

  1. Open the New Matter screen.

  2. Scroll down to the Time Entry Rule section under the Billing options.

  3. Select  + to assign an existing Time Entry Rule to the Matter


Applying a Time Entry Rule to an Existing Matter

  1. Select the existing Matter to apply the Rule.

  2. Under options there will be a Time Entry Rule section.

  3. Select + to assign an existing Rule to the Matter
When a Time Entry Rule is violated, a error prompt displays.                   

Deleting Time Entry Rules

If the trash can (delete) icon is clicked all Matters where the Time Entry Rule is applied are listed. They must be Unapplied on this screen in order for the Time Entry Rule to be deleted.


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