If you create Events and deadlines using CARET Legal's integration with LawToolbox, you may need to update it or change the series at some point. Here are some tips on different ways you can edit your Events.
Editing an Event or Deadline
To edit Events that have been added to the Calendar:
- Navigate to the Calendar section and click on an Event in any of the views
(Day, Week, Work Week, Month).
- Navigate to your list of Matters. Open a Matter to display the Matters details. Click on the Event tab to view the list of Events linked to the Matter and click on the Event you wish to edit.
- The Edit Event modal displays:
You can change the date and time by clicking on the icons in the From and To fields. You can also change the Category or other details regarding this event and invite other users to the Event.
Editing the Rule Set
When editing an Event from a Rule Set, click on Open Related Calendar Rules to reopen the rule set you originally used to create this series. From here you can select any Events that were left unchecked to create them, or uncheck ones that you no longer want.
Editing the Trigger Date
If you want to edit the Trigger Date, you will need to delete the existing series and create a new one. To delete the existing series, click on Open Related Calendar Rules and click on the trash can icon.