If you have leftover funds within a client's matter or if they overpaid, you can refund their retainers. Operating retainers can be refunded within the Invoices and Payments section by clicking on the +, while Trust retainers must be refunded by creating a New Trust Check.
Refund Operating Retainers
- Navigate to the Accounting section, then click + on the green action bar and select Refund Operating Retainer from the menu that appears.
The Refund a retainer modal displays.
Complete the fields:
Select an option from the Matters and From Bank Account drop-down lists.
- Only those that have a retainer balance are listed.
Select an option from the Matters and From Bank Account drop-down lists.
- Enter a Refund Amount and use the calendar controls to enter a Date.
- Add a Note if you wish.
Complete the fields:
Refund Trust Retainers
- Navigate to the Accounting section and click on the Banks & Registers tab, then click + on the green action bar and select New Trust Check from the menu.
- Click + in the top menu bar and select New Trust Check form the Quick Add menu.
- The New Trust Check modal displays.
- Complete the fields.
- Select the Matter from the drop-down list.
- The Matter Balance displays in the top right corner.
- The Matter Balance displays in the top right corner.
- Select the Matter from the drop-down list.
- Complete the fields.
- After filling in the details of the check, you can Save & Close or Save & Print it.