Can I print more than one Check at a time?

  • Updated
When making payments from CARET Legal using Vendor Bills or AP Checks, you may want to enter the payments first, then print them later in a batch.
Rather then printing them one by one, you can also select a group of checks you wish to print.
To Batch Print Checks:
  1. Navigate to the Accounting section, then click the Banks & Registers tab and select Batch Print Checks under the tab bar.

  2. Complete the fields in the Batch Check Print modal that displays.

    • Select an option from the drop-down list in the Bank Account field. This is the only required field marked with a purple bar.
    • Select an option from the drop-down list in the Date Range field. If you select Custom Range use the calendar controls to populate the From and To fields.
    • Slide the toggle to the On position to Include Printed Checks.

  3. Select the checkboxes beside the checks you want to print, then click Print in the footer.

CARET Legal generates a PDF file with each of the selected checks. You can print them if you wish.

Inspect the pages before sending your blank checks to the printer as some checks may spill over to another page. 

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