When making payments from CARET Legal using Vendor Bills or AP Checks, you may want to enter the payments first, then print them later in a batch.
Rather then printing them one by one, you can also select a group of checks you wish to print.
To Batch Print Checks:
- Navigate to the Accounting section, then click the Banks & Registers tab and select Batch Print Checks under the tab bar.
- Complete the fields in the Batch Check Print modal that displays.
- Select an option from the drop-down list in the Bank Account field. This is the only required field marked with a purple bar.
- Select an option from the drop-down list in the Date Range field. If you select Custom Range use the calendar controls to populate the From and To fields.
- Slide the toggle to the On position to Include Printed Checks.
- Select the checkboxes beside the checks you want to print, then click Print in the footer.
CARET Legal generates a PDF file with each of the selected checks. You can print them if you wish.