How do I pay Accounts Payable/Vendor Invoices?

  • Updated
When you add bills you receive from a firm provider to the Accounting section, the Accounts Payable on Accrual is increased. This allows you to report on how much the firm owes from bills that are Pending or Overdue. It also shows how bills were paid.
To add a Vendor:
  1. Navigate to the Accounting section, then select the Vendors & Bills tab.

  2. Click + on the action bar and select New Vendor from the drop-down list to display the New Vendor modal.

    Complete the fields:
    • Enter a Vendor Name in the required field indicated with a purple bar.
    • Scroll down and complete as many optional fields as you wish.
    • Click Save to add the vendor to your list and return to the Accounting module.
To view your list of vendors:
  1. Select View Vendors under the Vendors & Bills tab.


  2. A firm-wide list of vendors displays which can easily be filtered alphabetically or by using the Advanced Search filters on the right-hand side.

To add a Bill:
  1. Click + on the action bar and select New Vendor Bill from the drop-down menu.


  2. Complete the required fields by entering or selecting an option from the drop-down lists and complete as many optional fields as you wish.

  3. Click Save to add the vendor bill to your list.
To pay a Bill:

  1. Click + on the action bar and select Pay Vendor Bill from the drop-down list to display the Pay Vendor Bill modal.


  2. Complete the fields by entering or selecting an option in the drop-down lists.

    • If a Credit is available for the vendor, the credit will be used first, then another method of payment can be applied.
    • Enter all payment details. 

To add a Vendor Credit:

  1. Click + on the action bar, then select New Vendor Credit from the drop-down list to display the New Vendor Credit modal.


  2. Complete the fields by entering or selecting an option from the drop-down lists.

    • Enter an Amount, Ref. No. and use the calendar controls to enter a Date.
    • Optionally enter a helpful reference in the Notes field.
    • Click Create to add a credit to the selected Vendor.

To view all Vendor Credits:

  1. Click on View Vendor Credits under the tab bar to view your list.


  2. Filter the list to view Used Credits, Available Credits or All.


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