Invoice Customization allows you to create multiple templates for your invoices. A template can then be applied within your Matter Options or at the time of creating the matter. Any invoices printed from that matter will use the format applied to that matter.
General Settings
Some fields that will be universal across all templates will be found in Firm Settings --> Billing and Accounting --> Invoice Customization --> General Settings.
General settings include your firms Logo that will appear on your invoices, the firm address, fronts for different arts of the template and margin changes.
Logo - We recommend a hi-res image file that is 600px to 1000px wide.
Your Templates tab will allow you to differentiate what details display across different versions of the invoice template. Fields can be made visible or hidden, and can also be re-labled to use whatever language you wish to specify. Here are the available fields to choose from and what they are used for:
Template Name - Specify what template this is using language you and your team will easily recognize.
Logo Alignment - Choose if you want the logo from your general settings to appear in the Left, Center, or Right of the top section of your invoice.
Top Section
Firm Name - Pulls from Firm Settings --> Firm Options --> Office Locations --> Firm Name.
Firm Address - Pulls from Firm Settings --> Invoice Customization --> General Settings --> Top Section.
Invoice Label - Appears in the upper right hand side of your invoices.
Client Name - Displays the name of the Primary Client on the Matter.
Client Address - The address is located on the primary client's contact card. If no address is listed, this section will be blank on the invoice and can be manually added.
Client Prefix/Suffix/Title/Related Company - Pulls from the Contact Card.
Matter Number - Auto-generated Matter identifier which is in a format the firm picks from within the firm settings under Matter Options.
Matter Name - Manually created at the time the matter is created. Can be edited in the Matter details page.
Issued Date - Invoice Date.
Invoice Number - Autogenerated invoice number. The starting invoice number can be changed in Firm Settings --> Billing & Accounting --> Billing Options. The next invoice generated will take on this new starting number and each new invoice will move up in line.
Due On - Due Date of invoice.
Line Items
Separate Services and Expenses - You can choose to have the services/fees seperated from expenses with their own subtotals.
Separate Services and Expenses (Group by work type/expense type) - Further separate them into smaller groups based on work or expense type.
Date - Date of line item, i.e. time entry or expense date.
Timekeeper - Pulls from the user's personal My Settings under their initials Field
*Note: if the invoice is blank in that column, that means the user did not fill out their initials in their my settings. Admins can do this from the user list. Once the initials are updated in the settings, reprinting the invoice will now show the initials on the new pdf.
Description - Line items description/narrative.
Quantity - Quantity/duration.
Rate - The rate for that entry.
Discount - Line item discounts will appear here (invoice level discounts are displayed in the totals section)
Total - The total per line item equal to the Quantity x Rate - Discount.
Expenses/Services - You can label these sections based on whatever language you choose. Example: Expenses could be Disbursements and Services could be Fees.
Totals Section
Subtotal - Total of all the line items.
Discount - If an invoice level discount has been applied, it will display here. Line item discounts are accounted for on each line item impacting the subtotal.
Tax - If a tax percentage is applied it will be calculated here.
Total - Subtotal - invoice level discount + Tax = Total.
Payment - Total of any payments that have been applied to this specific invoice.
Balance Owing - Total - Payment = Balance Owing.
Summary Section
Display Statement Account Summary - The statement of account summary provides the client with a calculation of their previous balance as of the date the current invoice was generated plus the new charges from this invoice minus any payments = total amount outstanding.
- Previous Balance - This is the Balance due from all previous invoices as of the date of the current invoice. If there are no previous invoices, it will show $0.00
- New Charge - If there are no previous invoices and this is the first invoice for this matter, it will show the Total Invoice Amount.
- Payments Received - The total amount of payments from the day after the issue date of the latest invoice to the date of printing the invoice.
- Total Amount Outstanding - The client's total outstanding balance.
*Note that the statement of account summary is a calculation based on dates. If you are printing an old invoice, it will not display now charges or payments from subsequent invoices and will therefore not display the current full outstanding balance. This information will only be relevant on the most recent invoice for that matter.
Detailed Statement Account Summary - This will include the same information of the above Statement Account Summary, but will also include details related to the payments applied. These include:
- Invoice No is the Invoice Number that the payment was applied/directly added to
Amount is the amount that was applied/directly added to the invoice
Payment Details - Payment Date is the date entered into ZS
Display Trust Retainer Replenishment Balance - If you have a required trust balance set on the matter, this section will calculate the required amount due to bring the client's trust balance up to date.
Trust Transactions Since Last Invoice
- Date
- Reference
- Funds In
- Funds Out
- Balance
Trust Account Balance -The difference between the sum of trust retainers added and the sum of trust retainers applied to invoices for this matter, regardless of which trust bank account, as of the date of printing the invoice
Display Timekeeper Summary - A listing of the totals billed on this invoice for each timekeeper including their number of hours and their rate. If a timekeeper has multiple rates on this invoice, they will have a line for each rate.
Display Task Code Summary - A listing of the Task codes and totals. This is only relevant on UTBMS enabled Matters.
Operating Account Balance - The difference between the sum of operating retainers added and the sum of operating retainers applied to invoices for this matter, regardless of which operating bank account, as of the date of printing the invoice.
Detailed Operating Retainer Summary
- Previous Retainer Balance
- Deposits Since Last Invoice
- Remaining Retainer Balance
Total Client Balance - The total current "Balance Owing" of all the invoices of all the matters that have the same primary client as of the date of printing the invoice.
Total Matter Balance - The total current "Balance Owing" of all the invoice from this specific matter as of the date of printing the invoice.
Do not display deposit information on Trust Application - This is in reference to the original retainer deposit details.
Show Page Numbers - Page numbers will only display when invoices are printed individually. When printing in batches, we do not display page numbers due to the numbers being based on the total number of pages in the pdf and not per invoice.
Payable Statement
Payable Statement - This is an open paragraph field where you can communicate any additional details on the invoice template. It will display at the bottom of the invoice and supports text only. No images, special fonts or hyperlinks can be used.