Go to your list of Matters and click a Matter No link to open the Matter Details.
- Select the Text Messages tab, then enter or select a recipient from the drop-down menu in the
To field.- If the recipient has not yet consented to receive text messages from you a Warning prompt displays informing you that they must consent before you can continue.
- Click anywhere in the prompt to send a request for consent text. A pop-up message displays asking “Are you sure you want to send a Request For Consent text to the recipient”.
- Click OK to display a message informing you that your request was successfully submitted.
- The recipient receives the following SMS asking them to consent to receiving text messages from you with options to reply with Stop to unsubscribe or Start to consent. This expires after 10 minutes.
- The recipient receives the following SMS asking them to consent to receiving text messages from you with options to reply with Stop to unsubscribe or Start to consent. This expires after 10 minutes.
- If the recipient replies with Start this unlocks the legal gate and you are now able to communicate with your client via SMS.
- The message that the recipient receives informing them that they have successfully opted to receive text messages from you displays under the Text Messages tab of your Matter Details.
- If the recipient replies Stop another SMS informs them,“You have successfully been unsubscribed and will no longer receive any more messages from this number”. If they reply Help they are sent unsubscribe instructions. Replying Start resubscribes the recipient and once again they will be able to receive your text messages.