How do I stop users from creating activity for closed periods?

  • Updated

To set up your books so that new transactions cannot be backdated or impact closed periods:

  1. Select Firm Settings from the drop-down menu beside your avatar, then click Billing & Accounting in the left menu bar and select Billing Options from the expanded menu.

  2. Scroll down to the Close Date fields. Each field will impact closing in different ways.
    • Book Close Date - Prevents any transactions being created, edited or deleted prior to and including this date.
    • Billing Close Date - Prevents any Time Entries/Flat Fees/Soft Costs from being created, edited or deleted prior to and including this date.
    • Book Cut off Date - Prevents any transactions being created after this date.
If a user tries to create an entry that is not allowed, a message prompts them to reach out to a Firm Administrator. Only the Administrator has the authority to remove or change the dates so that the entry can be added.

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