What is Split Billing?

  • Updated

Split Billing is the division of an invoice for services and expenses between multiple parties.

Split billing can be enabled at matter creation, or after the matter has been created in the Matter Options. To enable this feature when creating a new matter, scroll c
lick New Matter from the Quick Add menu or navigate to the Matters section and click + in the action bar.

Scroll down to the Billing section and slide the Split Billing toggle to the right.

If Split billing was not turned on at the time the matter was created, you can enable dit at any time afterwards by going to the matter details page and clicking on the Options tab. Under your Matter options, scroll down until you see the phrase "Enable Split Billing." Click on that to turn it on within the existing matter.
After the Matter is created, or once Split Billing has been turned on, a new tab labeled Split Billing displays.

The first Client field defaults to the Primary Client of the Matter. Add as many additional billing clients as needed by clicking Add more rows.
Specify how the fees and expenses will be divided among all billing Clients. The total must add up to 100%. If a fee or expense does not divide evenly based upon set percentages, the remainder can be specified to a single client. The rates applied are based on the parent matter rate found in the Matter's Options.

Preferred Billing Method

You can also specify the Preferred Billing Method for each Client


Invoicing Split Bill Matters

When invoices are generated after Split Billing has been configured on the Matter-level, a unique invoice for each billing client is created with its own unique invoice number. Each invoice will include the Matter, as well as each individual billing clients’ contact information.

Creating a split invoice creates a new sub-Matter tied to the original Matter. All AR balances are tied to the primary client in the Sub Matter, and not the Parent Matter.

Any Retainers must be deposited to the sub matter in order to be applied to the appropriate invoices.

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