How do I generate an amount for Trust Replenishment on a Client’s Invoice?

  • Updated
If your firm requires that Clients maintain a specific trust balance, the Required Trust Balance can be configured to incorporate that number into the client’s invoice balance.
  1. Navigate to the Matters section and select a Matter No to open the Matter details.

  2. Click the Options tab.
  3. Scroll down to Billing Options and locate the Required Trust Balance field.


When populated, on the invoice pdf, a Trust Retainer Replenishment total will appear in the Statement of Account Summary, letting clients know the replenishment amount that will needs to be made.

Note: While the required Trust Balance displays as part of the clients's Total Amount Outstanding on the Statement of Account Summary, it will not be part of this invoice's AR balance. The retainer will still need to be paid through the New Retainer module or with a Retainer Request
Trust Replenishment will now be visible for firms integrated with APX as part of their Email Templates
In order for the Retainer Replenishment to display on your invoices, you must have Statement of Account Summary visible in your Invoice Customization settings.


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