How do I create Soft Costs?

  • Updated

To record soft costs in CARET Legal:

  1. Click  Add.png at the top to access the Quick Add menu and select New Expense (Soft Cost).


  2. Click on the Time icon to access the Time module. Under the Expenses tab click + and select New Expense (soft cost) from the drop-down menu.


  3. The New Soft Cost modal displays.

    NewSoft2.pngNote: Fields marked with a purple bar are required.                                                                Complete the  fields by entering or selection an option from the drop-down menu
        • MATTER
        • SOFT COST TYPE
        • QUANTITY
        • UNIT PRICE
        • USER
        •  DATE - Use the calendar controls to enter a date.
        • Select the checkbox beside BILLABLE to enable this feature.
        • Optionally, click Attach a Bill/Receipt and browse to the file location to attach. The number of Attachments displays in the footer.

  4. Click Save & Close to complete the process, click Save & New to save and begin the process again, or click Cancel to close the modal without making any changes.

If a new Soft Cost was created it now appears in the list under the Expenses tab in the Time module.

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