CARET Legal offers firms the ability to track goals for timekeepers in order to facilitate forecasting and promoting billable activities to meet the financial objectives of the firm.
What performance goals can be tracked?
Performance goals can be tracked for:
- Billable hours - Hours for Time Entries that are not marked “No Charge” or “No Charge Don’t Show” during the period indicated
- Billing amounts - Amounts for Time entries that are not marked “No Charge” or “No Charge Don’t Show” during the period indicated.
Where are the goals set for Timekeepers?
To set goals for Timekeepers:
- Select Firm Settings from the drop-down menu beside your avatar, then click Firm Options from the vertical menu bar and select Users & Groups from the expanded menu.
- Locate the row of the user you would like to add a goal to and click Edit in the right column.
- Click Billing in the vertical menu bar or scroll down and click Set Timekeeper Goals...
- Click the Add Another Goal link and complete the fields by entering or selecting a Goal from the drop-down list, entering a Goal Target and Year. Click the Active checkbox and click Add Another Goal or click Save.
How do I review Timekeeper progress?
To review Timekeeper progress:
- Navigate to the Accounting section, then click the Reports tab.
- Select the Productivity Reports filter and click Timekeeper Goals Report.
- Complete the fields by entering or selecting an option from the drop-down lists, then click Update.
- Click the Print icon on the action bar to print a PDF copy of the report.
Which plans is this feature available on?
Firms on Enterprise and EnterprisePlus accounts.