Client Texting Registration FAQs

  • Updated

Client texting is a feature CARET Legal Offers that allows you to send messages to your clients/contacts through CARET Legal's interface directly to their cell phone as an SMS Text Message.

Who and what is Twilio?  

  • Twilio is a cloud communications platform that provides a wide range of tools and services to help organizations deploy various communication applications.  CARET has partnered with Twilio to enable our text messaging feature, providing two-way communication (A2P) between our customers and their clients.   

What is A2P? What does it mean for the firm? 

  • A2P (Application-to-Person) is a type of messaging that allows business to send messages through an app to a standard 10-digit phone number. An example of A2P is CARET Legal Client Texting which provides firms with the ability to quickly connect with clients, leads and matter related contacts. CARET partners with Twilio to effectively deliver this service.
  • What does this mean for your law firm? CARET Legal customers should register now to benefit from improved deliverability and increased throughput in the new verified A2P 10DLC ecosystem.
  • To learn more about registration, please click here.

What would prevent my A2P 10DLC registration from getting approved? 

  • Several factors can prevent you from getting approved for 10DLC messaging.  While the specific criteria may vary depending on carrier requirements, examples include High-risk financial services, Third-party lead generation services and marketing, Debt collection or forgiveness, Gambling, Prescription drugs, “Get rich quick” schemes, and Illegal substances/articles.  
  • Common reasons for non-approval:
    • Consistency in brand, website and sample messages 
      If your brand name is Acme, your website is, but your sample messages say “Here’s your one-time passcode for logging into”, your submission will be rejected.

    • Consistency in sample messages and use cases
      If you register a marketing campaign, but sample messages say “Here’s your one-time passcode: 123456”, your submission will be rejected.

    • Consistency in email domain and company name
      If you register a brand as Twilio Inc, but you provide an email address with the Gmail domain names, your submission will be rejected. Note that this check only applies to large, well-known corporations that should have dedicated email domains.

    • Make sure you submit real, working websites
      If you indicate that your customers opt-in to your messages via the website, but provide a website address that does not function, your submission will be rejected.

    • Make sure the brand you register is the actual brand that you’re sending messages for
      If you register a brand with your own company’s information (e.g. a company that provides tech for dental offices), but end up sending messages for your customers (e.g., individual dentist practices), your submission will be rejected.

    • Make sure you create as few duplicative submissions as possible
      Excessive brands with the same EIN and excessive submissions with the same attributes may be seen as high-risk and may result in submission rejection.

    • If you wish to send templated messages, please make sure to indicate the templated fields in sample messages with brackets, to help reviewers better identify which parts are templated
      For example, please write “Dental check due for [Mary Doe], Visit [] to schedule an appointment or call [123-456-7890]”.

Onboarding: How do I register my Client Texting number? 

 To enable Client Texting, an Admin must enable this feature and register your business via Firm Settings > Firm Options > Client Texting.  



To comply with A2P 10DLC requirements, the Onboarding Process occurs in two phases: 

  1. Registering your brand (business)
  2. Registering your firm’s campaign (communication topics) 

We have updated the texting setup page in your Firm Settings to capture the new information required by the US carriers.

Note that you will have to visit this page more than once to complete your full application. This process may seem a bit cumbersome as it was designed by the carriers for marketing firms who run multiple SMS campaigns, not law firms like yours.

  1. Please login to CARET Legal, go to Firm Settings and then Client Texting & fill out the required fields.
  2. When you click submit you will receive an email from confirming the receipt of your brand and profile information. Your registration status in Firm Settings will change to “Brand Submitted”.
  3. Within the next 48 hours you will receive another email from confirming that your brand has been approved. Your registration status will now show “Brand Approved.”
  4. Now you need to go back into Firm Settings -> Client Texting and submit your Campaign (the way you will use client texting). You will receive another email from confirming that the campaign has been submitted for review. Your registration status will now show “Campaign Submitted”.
  5. Note: The campaign approval process currently takes at least 3 weeks due to a higher volume of requests.
  6. Upon approval you will receive another email from You will also see a “Successfully Registered & Approved” status in the Client Texting page in your Firm Settings. 
  7. You can now begin using texting capabilities again!

Required Fields About Your Brand (Business)

Business Name


Enter the exact legal business name, as registered with the EIN. E.g. Caret Legal Inc. rather than CL


Use this website ] to confirm your or legal business name. If you do not have an EIN, you are unable to register for A2P 10DLC. 


Email Address The email to receive notifications for the registration process
Company Website URL If your company has multiple websites, please only enter the primary website URL. 
Business Type Please select from the dropdown 
Business Industry Please select from the dropdowns or indicate “Other” if not listed
EIN Enter the EIN Tax ID Example, 121234567. Use this website [ ] to confirm your EIN and/or legal business name. If you do not have an EIN, you are unable to register for A2P 10DLC.
Company Name If different that Business Name

PO Boxes are allowed, only use it if your business entity has a legitimate connection to the PO Box address.

Please enter the address exactly as it appears in the EIN listing.

City Please enter the address exactly as it appears in the EIN listing.
State Please enter the address exactly as it appears in the EIN listing.
Postal Code Please enter the address exactly as it appears in the EIN listing.
Country Please enter country in abbreviated two letter format e.g. US for United States, CA for Canada, UK for United Kingdom, etc.
Company Type Please Select from the drop down
Business Title Your Title
Job Position Please Select from the drop down
First Name Input your First Name
Last Name Input your Last Name
Phone Number Input a 10-digit work number with no dashes/hyphens


Required Fields About Your Campaign (Use Cases for Client Texting)

Use Case Description 

The description should be thorough and provide an explanation of the campaign’s objective or purpose. Provided description needs to answer who the sender is, who the recipient is, and why messages are being sent to the intended recipient. Minimum of 40 Characters 


Example: As an Attorney in a Legal firm my client has provided their mobile number so I can communicate details and/or the status of their legal case via text message.


Message Sample 1

You will be asked to provide two examples of a message you would send to your customers.


Example: Please review and sign the document in your email. 

Minimum of 20 Characters 

Message Sample 2

Example: The hearing has been delayed. 

Minimum of 20 Characters 

Will you be using an embedded phone number within the body of the text message? Check the Box if the answer is yes
Will you be using an embedded link within the body of the text message? Check the Box if the answer is yes


Registration Status

Brand Submitted

Customer will receive an email from Twilio confirming a submission for registration. It can take 1-2 days to get the brand approved.

Brand Approved

The Submission has been Approved. Customer will receive Twilio email confirming the Brand has been approved. 

Time to log back into CL and submit the campaign.

Campaign Submitted

Campaign has been Submitted. Customer will receive a Twilio email confirming the Campaign has been submitted for review.

 The review process can take up to 3 weeks.

Successfully Registered and Approved

Successfully Registered and Approved. Client can begin using texting capabilities.




Do I need to register for a Client Texting number again?  

  • Customers who have an existing Twilio number will be retained; this means conversations will still be accessible once approved. 
  • This is a one-time-registration per provider.

Why do you need my Tax ID/EIN?

  • This is a requirement for A2P registration. For security purposes, Caret Legal will not retain this information after registration is complete.
  • When registering, make sure your legal business name matches your EIN tied to your federal registration. This can be confirmed using the IRS EIN lookup.

After I’m approved, will any missed messages retroactively be added to my Matters?

  • No – any messages sent during registration will not be added back into the system.

What is the greyed-out phone number at the top of my Client Texting Setup page?

  • This is your number provided by Caret Legal for Client Texting. 
  • The phone number is automatically assigned based on the availability of the phone numbers in your area code. 

Once I get a Twilio number can I change it?

  • No — currently changing your texting phone number is not available.

Why am I getting the error message "Phone Number is Required"?

  • Please confirm the number under Business Representative Information contains no hyphens, just the 10-digit number. The issue is not the greyed-out number.

Why did nothing happen when I clicked Register?

  • If your Firm Settings page does update, please check the Required Fields section to ensure your answers meet specifications.
  • If all fields are complete, please make sure to tick the Agreement at the top of the form.

Why didn’t I get an email update after submitting my registration?

  • If your page updated but you did not receive the email from, please check your Spam or Junk. 
  • Seeing brand submitted in app is as good as a confirmation from Twilio, but if you believe that the email notification is significantly delayed, feel free to reach out to our team for further assistance.

Do I need to submit this registration form to receive text message notifications for Events, Tasks, and Client Portal (Zola Caseway)?

  • No — completing this process will not resolve text notification for events/tasks. We had to similarly register our own number that is used for notifications. That is in review and on approval will trigger all new text reminders.

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