FAQ : Onboarding and Data Migration

  • Updated
Frequently Asked Onboarding and Data Migration Questions

Onboarding Questions 

  1. Where do I send questions about the onboarding and data migration process?

    You can send an email to: Onboarding@getcaret.com.

  2. What is the onboarding process like?
    Our onboarding process is designed to be as simple and efficient as possible. After you sign up for CARET Legal, you will be assigned an Onboarding Project Manager to guide you through setting up your account, migrating your data, and training your team.

  3. How long does the onboarding process take?
    The process takes between 6-10 weeks from start to finish. The length of the onboarding process depends on the size and complexity of your firm, your data, and the system(s) you are migrating.

  4. What kind of support can I expect during the onboarding process?
    During the onboarding process, you will have access to a dedicated Onboarding Project Manager who will provide you with personalized support and guidance.

  5. What kind of training is available for my team?
    We offer a variety of training options, including instructor-led training, self- paced online courses, and live webinars. Your Onboarding Project Manager can help you determine the best training options for your team.

  6. What type of training is available for my Accounting Personnel?
    We can train your billing and accounting personnel in using CARET Legal with an overview session, with separate training on billing and accounting. Topics include Billable activity (time/flat fees/expenses), Writing Checks, Invoices, and Payments, Vendor Bills, Banks & Registers, and Accounting Reports.

  1. Is role-based training offered?
    We can provide role-based training with your training hours. Roles include Paralegal/Staff, Attorney, and Billing/Accounting personnel.

  2. When can I schedule training?
    You can begin your learning journey as soon as your firm receives the Welcome email. Your Onboarding Project Manager can work with you to define a curriculum and assist in scheduling instructor-led training.

  3. Will I receive a Statement of Work?
    Once we review and assess your data, we will provide a Statement of Work. At that time, all work will be confirmed, and all action items that need to be addressed before the final data migration will be identified.


Data Migration Questions

  1.  If I give CARET Legal my username and password to our previous practice management software, will you extract my data for me?
    For security reasons, we cannot accept any passwords and cannot log into your previous practice management software for you. However, during the Kickoff and Discovery call (or shortly thereafter), we will do a screen share to assist you with exporting your data.

  2. How long will my migration take?
    The data migration process takes 6-10 weeks in total. Timing of the actual data migration is dependent on the quality of data we receive.

  3. Does my IT need to be involved?
    Your IT may be able to assist with the data extraction process. If you have access to your data, your IT may not be needed for the data migration process.

  4. Will the data migration be done over the weekend?
    Data migrations are conducted during business hours and are not scheduled for weekends.

  5. How will data be entered into spreadsheets during the blackout period?
    Your Onboarding Project Manager can provide a template for you to use. You are responsible for entering data collected during the blackout period into CARET Legal. The time entry and soft cost importers within the platform can be used to import time within the application.

  6. Can I add my most recent Matters so that I can get started in CARET Legal?
    You can enter new data (Contacts and Matters) into CARET Legal, however please do not enter any data that will be part of the data migration process to avoid duplications. Only new data that is not being entered into your prior platform should be added prior to the data migration.
  1. Can my Documents be imported into CARET Legal?
    Yes, documents can be imported into CARET Legal. The folders must contain the Matter Name or Number so that they can be assigned to the appropriate Matters. If the document folders are not organized in a way that can be mapped to matters, you may be asked to provide a folder mapping. Please note that Document Migrations are priced separately from Data Migration. This pricing can be discussed with your Account Executive.

  2. Can we use CARET Legal while you are importing our data?
    Yes, you can use CARET Legal during the migration process. You may start to see the data populating. We strongly recommend that you consult with your Onboarding Project Manager for specifics on what may impact the migration.

  3. Can I import data myself?
    Currently, all data is imported by CARET Legal. The only exception is that unbilled Time Entries and Soft Costs may be imported using our Time and Soft Cost importer.

  4. Can the Responsible Attorney for a Matter be someone who no longer works at the firm?
    The Responsible Attorney may no longer be employed at the firm for Closed Matters, but it is recommended that the Responsible Attorney be reassigned to an active member of the firm for Open Matters.

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