How do I know which payments will have APX Surcharge turned on?

  • Updated

There are multiple ways to review if surcharging has been applied to a payment. If your client chooses a credit card payment method, 3% will be added to the transaction to help cover processing fees for operating account transactions. Surcharging is not permitted for ACH and debit cards (even if they have a Visa/MC logo).

NOTE: Customers must make sure they are abiding by state and their bar association rules when turning on surcharge for a matter.

Payment screen 

For Client Portal payments and PayNow payments, the card holder will see the surcharge message and the total will be the invoice/retainer request amount plus the 3% surcharge (unless the retainer request goes to a trust account).


Direct Payment window

If the Surcharge setting is on and a credit card on file is used, the surcharge amount will be added to the total and a message will be displayed.  This also applies to bulk payment on invoices.


Banks & Registers 

On the Banks and Registers tab in the Accounting section, users will see an asterisk indicating a surcharge applies to this transaction. Hovering of the tooltip will show the surcharge amount included.

Matter Details 

A surcharge column has been added to the payments tab within a Matter to clearly show any surcharge for a transaction. A similar column was also added to the client payments report, account reconciliation report, and disbursement report.



Matterscapes can also be customized to include a Surcharge setting column.

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