Can I Upload Trust Check History?

  • Updated
In CARET Legal, you have the ability to create trust checks one at a time, which can be printed and used to pay disbursements from retained funds.
Use our Import feature to upload a list of Trust checks that have already been created, rather than create them individually.
You must download the Excel spreadsheet with the designated template.                          
The required headings are as follows:

accountName matter payee address city state zip amount memo date description  
After you download the template, and have filled in the required details for each check, you can upload it within any Matter Ledger.
  1. Open the Matter Details and click the Ledger tab.

  2. Click on the right facing arrow icon on the green toolbar to display the Import Checks modal.

  3. Click Choose File and browse to your Excel file.

Once uploaded, the Matter Ledger(s) will reflect the activity of those checks.

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